Honoring Joe.

One month ago yesterday, the world lost an incredible man, and Heaven gained a humble yet mighty man of God. I went to college with Joe. He was a dear friend and encourager to everyone he met—a faithful and loyal friend who led by serving. To be honest, Joe was modeling for us something that wouldn't fully set in for many years. He was way ahead of his time in the things that truly matter this side of Heaven. He left an incredible impact on so many, and I'm thankful for his example even after all these years.

Joe battled an aggressive brain cancer for seven months alongside his bride, Corrie, and their two daughters.

The phrase 'Do What Lasts' can mean many different things to people. It can apply to your work, creativity, parenting, or anything you set your mind to. When I think about Joe's life and legacy, I think of the phrase 'Do What Lasts.' In my experience of Joe, everything he did was with purpose—with an eternal impact. His impact on this earth will far outlast his short time here.

His family has set up an education fund for his daughters. For the next two months, 100% of short sleeve heather black or long-sleeve white Do What Lasts t-shirt sale proceeds will go straight to their education fund.

Join us in honoring Joe's life and legacy -- a faithful servant and friend who fully embodied what it means to 'do what lasts.'

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